Seonhoon Lee, YeongSeung Baek, Heung-Seon Oh
ETRI Journal, 2025
DeepMonitor: A comprehensive approach for real-time hazard detection for industrial safety [paper]
Seonhoon Lee, YeongSeung Baek, Heung-Seon Oh
ETRI Journal, 2025
MixFace: Improving face verification with a focus on fine-grained conditions [paper]
Junuk Jung, Sungbin Son, Joochan Park, Yongjun Park, Seonhoon Lee, Heung-Seon Oh
ETRI Journal, 2024
Hierarchy-aware Biased Bound Margin Loss Function for Hierarchical Text Classification [paper]
Gibaeg Kim, Sanghun Im, Heung-Seon Oh
ACL Findings, 2024
Detection and segmentation framework for defect detection on multi-layer ceramic capacitors [paper]
HyeonJae Kim, Sungbin Son, Heung-Seon Oh
ETRI Journal, 2024
Hierarchical Text Classification As Sub-Hierarchy Sequence Generation (Oral) [paper]
Sanghun Im, Gibaeg Kim, Heung-Seon Oh, Seongung Jo, Donghwan Kim
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2023
TAGS: Text Augmentation with Generation and Selection [paper]
김경민, 김동환, 조성웅, 오흥선, 황명하
KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering, 2023
Information Extraction Based on Multi-turn Question Answering for Analyzing Korean Research Trends [paper]
Seongung Jo, Heung-Seon Oh, Sanghun Im, Gibaeg Kim, Seonho Kim
Computers, Materials & Continua, 2022
LAME: Layout Aware Metadata Extraction Approach for Research Articles [paper]
Jongyun Choi, Hyesoo Kong, Hwamook Yoon, Heung-Seon Oh, Yuchul Jung
Computers, Materials & Continua, 2022
Unified Negative Pair Generation toward Well-discriminative Feature Space for Face Recognition [paper]
Junuk Jung, Seonhoon Lee, Heung-Seon Oh, Yongjun Park, Joochan Park, Sungbin Son
British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2022, 2022
딥 러닝 기반의 MLCC 적층 얼라인먼트 자동 검사 시스템 -MLCC Lamination Alignment Inspection System using Deep Neural Network [paper]
정준욱, 김현재, 손성빈, 오흥선
제어로봇시스템학회 논문지, 2022
Wav2KWS : Transfer Learning from Speech Presentation for Keyword Spotting [paper]
Deokjin Seo, Heung-Seon Oh, Yuchul Jung
IEEE Access, 2021
반도체 불량원인 분석을 위한 딥뉴럴네트워크 기반의 패치 이미지 병합 시스템 - Patch Image Merge System using DNN for Chip Defect Analysis [paper]
손성빈, 이선훈, 박주찬, 정준욱, 박용준, 오흥선
제어로봇시스템학회 논문지, 2021
딥 앙상블 기반 항공 이미지 객체 탐지 - Deep Ensemble based Object Detection from Aerial Images [paper]
박주찬, 손성빈, 이선훈, 정준욱, 박용준, 오흥선
제어로봇시스템학회 논문지, 2021
불확실성을 이용한 딥러닝 기반의 항공 이미지 객체 탐지 - Uncertainty-based Deep Object Detection from Aerial Images [paper]
박주찬, 이선훈, 정준욱, 손성빈, 오흥선, 정유철
제어로봇시스템학회 논문지, 2020
CNN-Based Novelty Detection with Effectively Incorporating Document-Level Information [paper]
Seongung Jo, Heung-Seon Oh, Sanghun Im, Seonho Kim
KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems, 2020
실시간 스트리밍을 위한 딥러닝 기반의 얼굴마스킹 시스템 - DeepMask: Face Masking System using Deep Neural Networks on Real-time Streaming [paper]
손성빈, 정준욱, 오흥선, 정유철
제어로봇시스템학회 논문지, 2020
CNN Architecture Predicting Movie Rating from Audience’s Reviews Written in Korean [paper]
Hyungchan Kim, Heung-Seon Oh, Duksu Kim
KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems, 2020
역인덱스 기반 상향식 군집화 기법을 이용한 대규모 학술 핵심어 분석 - Analysis of Massive Scholarly Keywords using Inverted-Index based Bottom-up Clustering [paper]
Heung-Seon Oh, Yuchul Jung
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society, 2018
KISTI at CLEF eHealth 2017 Patient-Centered Information Retrieval Task-1 : Improving Medical Document Retrieval with Query Expansion [paper]
Heung-Seon Oh, Yuchul Jung
CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab, 2017
Enhancing the Narrow-down Approach to Large-scale Hierarchical Text Classification with Category Path Information [paper]
Heung-Seon Oh, Yuchul Jung
Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice, 2017
Minimally Supervised Relation Identification from Wikipedia Articles [paper]
Heung-Seon Oh, Yuchul Jung
Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice, 2017
KISTI at CLEF eHealth 2016 Task 3 : Ranking Medical Documents using Word Vectors [paper]
Heung-Seon Oh, Yuchul Jung
CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab, 2016
A Multiple-Stage Approach to Re-ranking Medical Documents [paper]
Heung-Seon Oh, Yuchul Jung, Kwang-Young Kim
CLEF, 2015
Cluster-based query expansion using external collections in medical information retrieval [paper]
Heung-Seon Oh, Yuchul Jung
Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2015
KISTI at CLEF eHealth 2015 Task 2 [paper]
Heung-Seon Oh, Yuchul Jung, Kwang-Young Kim
CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab, 2015
A Multiple-stage Approach to Re-ranking Clinical Documents [paper]
Heung-Seon Oh, Yuchul Jung
ShARe/CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab, 2014
Utilizing global and path information with language modelling for hierarchical text classification [paper]
Heung-Seon Oh, Sung-Hyon Myaeng
Journal of Information Science, 2014
External methods to address limitations of using global information on the narrow-down approach for hierarchical text classification [paper]
Heung-Seon Oh, Yuchul Jung
Journal of Information Science, 2014
KISTI at TREC 2014 Clinical Decision Support Track : Concept-based Document Re-ranking to Biomedical Document Retrieval [paper]
Heung-Seon Oh, Yuchul Jung
Text REtrieval Conference (TREC), 2014
Semantic Rule-Based Determination of Cancer Stages from Free-Text Radiology Reports [paper]
Heung-Seon Oh, Jong-Beom Kim, Sung-Hyon Myaeng, Jinwook Choi
Advances in Biomedical Infrastructure, 2013
Using Candidate Exploration and Ranking for Abbreviation Resolution in Clinical Document [paper]
Jong-Beom Kim, Heung-Seon Oh, Sang-Soo Nam, Sung-Hyon Myaeng
IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, 2013
Extracting targets and attributes of medical findings from radiology reports in a mixture of languages [paper]
Heung-Seon Oh, Jong-Beom Kim, Sung-Hyon Myaeng
ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedicine (BCB), 2011
Feasibility Study for Procedural Knowledge Extraction in Biomedical Documents [paper]
Sa-kwang Song, Yun-soo Choi, Heung-Seon Oh, Sung-Hyon Myaeng, Sung-pil Choi, Hong-Woo Chun, Chang-hoo Jeong, Won-Kyung Sung
Asia Information Retrieval Symposium (AIRS), 2011
Procedural Knowledge Extraction on MEDLINE [paper]
Sa-kwang Song, Heung-Seon Oh, Sung-Hyon Myaeng, Sung-pil Choi, Hong-Woo Chun, Yun-soo Choi, Chang-hoo Jeong
International Conference on Active Media Technology, 2011
Text Classification for a Large-Scale Taxonomy Using Dynamically Mixed Local and Global Models for a Node [paper]
Heung-Seon Oh, Yoonjung Choi, Sung-Hyon Myaeng
European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), 2011
이미지 객체 검출 방법(Method for detecting objects from image) [patent]
오흥선, 박주찬, 이선훈, 정준욱, 손성빈
10-2436197-0000, 대한민국, 2022
오흥선, 임상훈, 조성웅
10-2277643-0000, 대한민국, 2021
키워드 클러스터링 방법 및 장치(Method and Apparatus for clustering keywords) [patent]
오흥선, 이석형, 설재욱, 김진영, 정유철, 김광영, 윤정선
10-1828995-0000, 대한민국, 2018
정유철, 김광영, 김진영, 오흥선, 서동준, 이석형, 정서영
10-1713831-0000, 대한민국, 2017
POI 추출 모호성 해소 방법, 문서로부터 POI를 추출하는 방법, POI 추출 장치 (Method for solving ambiguity for extraction of a POI, Method for extracting a POI from a document and Apparatus for extracting a POI) [patent]
맹성현, 김경민, 오흥선, 김은영, 고희동, 이강욱
10-1571316-0000, 대한민국, 2015
XML 생성 시스템 및 방법(Systems and Methods for Producing XML) [patent]
정유철, 오흥선, 박재원, 최선희
10-1500598-0000, 대한민국, 2015
주제 및 이용 의도 기반 검색 시스템, 검색 장치, 검색 방법 및 저장 매체(A system, an apparatus, a method and a storage means for searching based on topic and intention) [patent]
한경수, 맹성현, 오흥선
10-1480714-0000, 대한민국, 2015
문맥 기반 광고 시스템 및 방법 (System and method for advertising based on context) [patent]
맹성현, 오흥선, 김경민, 류지희, 최윤정, 박호건, 정유철
10-1110022-0000, 대한민국, 2012
트렌드의 순위를 결정하는 방법(METHOD FOR RANKING TRENDS) [patent]
맹성현, 오흥선, 최윤정, 신욱현, 정윤재
10-0976695-0000, 대한민국, 2010