2023 Fall

  1. [230281] Advanced Natural Language Processing (for graduates)
  1. [CSE221] Script Programming (Python)
  1. [CSE530] Artificial Intelligence - Basics and Practice

2023 Spring

  1. [CSE130] Algorithms and Practice
  1. [CSE532] Machine Learning and Practice

2022 Fall

  1. [240201] Advanced Machine Learning (for graduates)
  1. [CSE220] Java Programming
  1. [CSE532] Machine Learning and Practice

2022 Spring

  1. [240198] Information Retrieval (for graduates)
  1. [CSE530] Artificial Intelligence - Basics and Practice
  1. [CSE541] Natural Language Processing and Practice

2021 Fall

  1. [240213] Special Topics in AI with Deep Learning (for graduates)
  1. [CSE220] Java Programming
  1. [CSE532] Machine Learning and Practice

2021 Spring

  1. [CSE530] Artificial Intelligence - Basics and Practice

2020 Fall

  1. [230281] Advanced Natural Language Processing (for graduates)
  1. [CSE220] Java Programming

2020 Spring

  1. [CPS460] Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

2019 Fall

  1. [240201] Advanced Machine Learning (for graduates)
  1. [CPA250] Data Structure and Practice
  1. [CSE532] Machine Learning and Practice

2019 Spring

  1. [CPA320] Computer Architecture
  1. [CPS460] Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

2018 Fall

  1. [CSE220] Java Programming
  1. [CSE532] Machine Learning and Practice

2018 Spring

  1. [CSE130] Algorithms and Practice
  1. [CPS460] Introduction to Artificial Intelligence